Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I like old men.

No, silly, I don't mean to imply that I engage in sexual relations with such people in the context of questionable circumstances. I mean that I love Jim Haynes and that I met a 65-year-old English gent named Peter in a cafe this weekend with whom I then proceeded to converse for almost two hours.

Peter and I discussed the novel Bright Lights, Big City; the advantages of the English schooling system over the American schooling system (as well as the reverse); the suckage of the NYC public transportation system in comparison to that of every other major city in the world; and a variety of other worthwhile topics.

Older individuals are fascinating people and they are far more likely to have seen the world than a twenty-year-old. Who am I kidding? At 17 years old I'm a novice!

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